Domain Names of the World: Gennaio 2008 Archives

30 Gennaio 2008
Historical First Batch of .Asia Auctions Successful

Auctions to watch: “”, “”, “” and more!

DotAsia Organisation is pleased to announce today the historical smooth completion of the first batch of domain auctions for the .Asia “Sunrise” (i.e. priority registration period intended for intellectual property rights owners). The auctions proved to be a massive success in contrast to previous chaotic rushes for domain names that leave brand owners frustrated. The average winning price for the first batch of contended auctions netted over US$1500.00 per domain, with high bids for domain names reaching beyond a few ten-thousand
dollars, signifying great interest from companies to invest into the new .Asia cyberspace. A total of over 600 domain names received more than one application during the first phase of Sunrise (Sunrise 2a) which totaled around 15,000 applications. The remaining phases of the .Asia Sunrise is currently ongoing and is scheduled to close on January 31, 2008. This is the last
chance for trademark owners around the world and registered companies in Asia to protect their names in .Asia before open public registrations (“Landrush”) begin on February 20, 2008.

Full story

Posted by Sales Staff at 03:59 PM

29 Gennaio 2008
Tecnologie: cosa ci riserverà il 2008?

Secondo le previsioni degli esperti della Bbc il 2008 sarà l’anno del web mobile. Dall' ipvt al voip sul cellulare la connessione a Internet tramite ogni tipo di dispositivo sarà la regola del prossimo futuro con dispositivi sempre più 'ultramobile' e applicazioni per il web utilizzabili anche quando non si è connessi.

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Posted by Staff Marketing at 03:11 PM

29 Gennaio 2008
France joins the millionaire club

The French extension is the latest country code Top Level Domain to reach one million domain names.

France crossed the million domain mark at some point during the night on January 11, 2008. The main extension, .FR, isn't quite there yet (994,000 registered names at the time of writing) but adding secondary domains like .COM.FR puts the French namespace at over 1,015,000 names.

.FR's was once one of the most restricted domains in Europe. A first step towards more freedom was taken on May 11, 2004 when companies were allowed to register any name. Before that, they were basically restricted to their own name or the names of their main products.

Full story

Posted by Sales Staff at 11:02 AM

29 Gennaio 2008
Registry For New .ME Domain Selected

Afilias Selected To Provide Registry Services For New .ME Domain. .ME to revolutionize social networking and personal domain name industry

Afilias, a global provider of registry services, today announced that it has been selected to provide registry services supporting the .ME domain, the new country code top-level domain for the republic of Montenegro.

In 2007, Afilias joined with strategic partners and ME-Net (a Montenegrin organization) to submit a proposal through a competitive bidding process to the government of Montenegro for the contract.

Afilias and its partners are pleased to have been selected to help launch .ME, which has meaning in many languages, said Philipp Grabensee, chairman of Afilias Board of Directors. Afilias will provide .ME with a world class technical infrastructure built on a secure, reliable and proven system that includes registry services and an advanced DNS capability. In addition, Afilias will provide .ME with immediate global availability through a wide distribution channel, enabling it to realize its full potential in the growing social networking and Web 2.0 industry.

Full story

Posted by Sales Staff at 10:51 AM

28 Gennaio 2008
Els missatges escombraries són el 97% del trànsit

Els missatges escombraries són el 97% del trànsit

L'enviament de missatges escombraries, que inclouen spam, virus, frau, directoris recollits i denegació de servei, arriba gairebé el 97% del total del correu electrònic, segons ha informat SonicWall. [...]

publicat a El periódico

Posted by Staff Marketing at 01:27 PM

28 Gennaio 2008
Los mensajes basura copan casi el 97%

El envío de mensajes basura, que incluyen spam, virus, fraude, directorios recogidos y denegación de servicio, alcanza casi el 97% del total del tráfico de correo electrónico, según ha informado SonicWall. [...]

publicado en El periódico

Posted by Staff Marketing at 01:22 PM

28 Gennaio 2008
El Midem se deja seducir por Internet

Soplan aires digitales en el Mercado Internacional del Disco y de la Edición Musical (Midem), que se celebra actualmente en Cannes (Francia), con una apuesta clara por el mercado de la música por Internet y la telefonía móvil. El futuro de la industria musical, preocupada por la fuerte caída de las ventas de discos-compactos en los últimos años, pasa inevitablemente por la revolución digital, según han afirmado la mayoría de los participantes en el Midem -que se abrió ayer y cierra sus puestas el próximo jueves-, y el foro Midem Net, que le precedió. [...]

ver más en EL PAIS

Posted by Staff Marketing at 01:17 PM

21 Gennaio 2008

ROMA - Doveva essere la vetrina del Belpaese nel mondo, una porta d'accesso web immediata e ricca, una carta da visita d'eccezione per promuovere il patrimonio turistico e "riportare l'Italia al posto che le spetta". Ma ha chiuso i battenti dopo numerose polemiche ed una vita breve e travagliata. Per il portale - presentato dal ministro per i Beni Culturali Francesco Rutelli alla BIT 2007 - la fine più volte annunciata è arrivata, come conferma il capo dipartimento per l'Innovazione Tecnologica, Ciro Esposito.
Leggi l'articolo completo su

Posted by Francesca Del Re at 02:46 PM

18 Gennaio 2008
Kimbo tutela il marchio in Internet

L’azienda produttrice del noto caffè ha affidato a e all’Online Brand Protection la tutela della propria visibilità in Rete

Leggi l'articolo completo su PMI@Business

Posted by Marianna Tomassi at 04:26 PM

8 Gennaio 2008
Bob Marley’s “WAILERS” Win Cybersquatting Lawsuit

Bob Marley's Wailers, who eventually became known simply as the "Wailers" after Bob Marley's death, successfully argued for dismissal of this cybersquatting and trademark infringement lawsuit brought by band members of another Wailers musical group who started using the band name 10 years before Bob Marley named his group in 1969.

The only evidence which could potentially have saved Plaintiff's claims against Bob's protégées would have been that the band used the mark the "Wailers" and registered in bad faith. No evidence of bad faith was introduced by plaintiffs.

Ormsby v. Barrett, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 20 (UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON) teaches that a failure to assert trademark infringement claims in the face of know trademark infringement can result in a loss of trademark rights under the doctrine of laches.

Plaintiffs are a musical group known as the "Wailers" who have been performing as such since 1959. They sought to register the name "Wailers" with the United States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO") in 1999. Defendants are also a musical group known as the "Wailers" (Yes, Bob Marley's Wailers). The Defendant Wailers initially opposed that registration, but that opposition was dismissed by the USPTO. The Plaintiffs obtained registration of the Wailers mark in 2003.

Defendants began as a Jamaican reggae group formed by Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, and others in 1964. In 1974, the group became "Bob Marley and the Wailers" and, after Mr. Marley died in 1981, the band performed as "the Bob Marley Wailers," and subsequently the "Wailers." Defendants moved for summary dismissal of each claim, arguing that Plaintiffs' claims were barred by laches, given the length of time they waited to bring this suit, after knowing of the Defendant Wailers use of that name. Defendants point to Defendant Barrett's Registration of the domain name "" in 1998, as evidence the Plaintiffs knew of, and did not act upon, the alleged infringement for many years prior to their suit.

Full story

Posted by Sales Staff at 04:05 PM

3 Gennaio 2008
Top 10 Tips for New Bloggers From Original Blogger Jorn Barger

Editor's note: Jorn Barger of Robot Wisdom coined the term "weblog" Dec. 17, 1997 -- 10 years ago Monday -- to describe the daily list of links that "logged" his travels across the web.

Barger's blog and essays on James Joyce and AI have earned high praise, but his opinions about Israeli policy have led to accusations of anti-semitism (see Wikipedia). In the decade hence, Barger feels that he's gained some wisdom of his own about blogging. Here are Barger's top 10 tips for novice bloggers.

Read more at Wired

Posted by Marianna Tomassi at 09:27 AM

2 Gennaio 2008
Suspensió de Netscape

AOL anuncia la suspensió del desenvolupament del navegador 'Netscape'

La companyia d'internet AOL, filial del gegant mediàtic nord-americà Time Warner, ha suspès el desenvolupament del navegador Netscape, un dels més usats del món.[...]

notícia publicada a El periodico

Posted by Staff Marketing at 04:23 PM

2 Gennaio 2008
Hasta la vista, Netscape

Hasta la vista Netscape

Netscape e Internet Explorer protagonizaron la primera gran guerra de los navegadores. El primero apareció en 1994 con gran éxito y en 1995 la compañía salió a bolsa. La cosa prometía, pero llegó Microsoft, se hizo con el código fuente de Mosaic y, también en 1995, lanzó Internet Explorer y lo incrustó en Windows.[...]

notícia publicada en El mundo

Posted by Staff Marketing at 04:15 PM

2 Gennaio 2008
La televisione si arrende a internet

Secondo una ricerca del Politecnico di Milano e della Nielsen
il 54% degli italiani preferisce la rete al piccolo schermo

La televisione si arrende a internet. Il 2008 sarà l'anno del sorpasso
Ma il dato eclatante è che il Web affascina ogni classe di età.

Leggi l'articolo completo su

Posted by Marianna Tomassi at 09:44 AM