Domain Names of the World: Aprile 2008 Archives

30 Aprile 2008
Cina, primato di internauti. Il sorpasso sull'America

MILANO — Il sorpasso era nell'aria già dalla fine del 2007, quando il distacco dagli informatizzati Stati Uniti si era ridotto a soli 5 milioni di navigatori. Ora il primato della Cina per il maggior numero di cittadini connessi a Internet è cosa fatta: a fine febbraio i cinesi internauti erano 221 milioni contro i «soli» 215 milioni di statunitensi.

Leggi l'articolo completo su

Posted by Staff Marketing at 10:39 AM

29 Aprile 2008
¡Más de 900.000 dominios .es!

Los dominios '.es' superan ya los 900.000 y crecen casi un 80% en menos de año y medio

El número de dominios ".es" registrados superó en marzo los 900.000 por primera vez en su historia, después de aumentar un 78,8% en algo menos de un año y medio, desde diciembre de 2006. [...]

Notícia publicada en "Un blog en red"

Posted by Staff Marketing at 09:50 AM

28 Aprile 2008
La Xina és el país amb més internautes del món

La Xina es converteix en el país amb més internautes del món amb 221 milions d'usuaris

La Xina va assolir a finals del mes de febrer 221 milions d'usuaris d'internet i, per tant, s'ha convertit oficialment en el país amb més internautes del món i supera els 215 milions dels Estats Units, segons ha confirmat avui el Ministeri xinès d'Indústria d'Informació a través de l'agència oficial de notícies Xinhua.[...]

Notícia publicada a "el periodico"

Posted by Staff Marketing at 12:02 PM

28 Aprile 2008
China es ya el país con más internautas

China es ya oficialmente el país con mayor número de internautas del mundo

Se da la paradoja de que el gigante es uno de los países con más censura en la Red

PEKÍN.- China alcanzó a finales del mes de febrero 221 millones de usuarios de Internet, con lo que se ha convertido ya oficialmente en el país con más internautas del mundo superando los 215 millones de EEUU, confirmó el Ministerio chino de Industria de Información a través de la agencia oficial de noticias Xinhua.[...]

Notícia publicada en "El mundo"

Posted by Staff Marketing at 11:24 AM

22 Aprile 2008
Google, la marca més poderosa del món

Google, la marca més poderosa del món per segon any consecutiu

Per segon any consecutiu, Google s'ha convertit en la marca més poderosa del món, segons el rànquing Brandz, publicat avui per la consultora britànica Millward Brown.[...]

Notícia publicada "El periodico"

Posted by Staff Marketing at 01:08 PM

15 Aprile 2008
Se cambia cada vez más de compañía de Internet

Los usuarios cambian cada vez más de compañía de Internet

El robo legal de clientes entre compañías ha cambiado de cara. Si hasta hace poco eran las operadoras de móvil las que competían despiadadamente por hacerse con los abonados de sus rivales ahora les ha tocado a las compañías de telefonía fija y de acceso a Internet.[...]

Notícia publicada en EL PAÍS

Posted by Staff Marketing at 01:48 PM

15 Aprile 2008
El valor del documento digital

El valor del documento digital ante la Justicia

El documento digital en las leyes
Tradicionalmente, los documentos han estado siempre vinculados con un determinado soporte al que se incorpora su contenido. Esta circunstancia no ha cambiado, puesto que por muy digital que sea un documento, en el Juzgado siempre habrá de aportarse en un soporte físico, bien sea un papel donde se imprime el correo electrónico, bien sea en un DVD donde se incorpora el código fuente de un programa.[...]

Notícia publicada en El mundo

Posted by Staff Marketing at 01:35 PM

11 Aprile 2008
Internet firm lands top award

WORCESTER-based Namesco, the country's leading internet service provider, has won best shared hosting provider in the UK at the national Internet Service Providers' Association awards.

Read more at Worcester news

Posted by Marianna Tomassi at 03:50 PM

9 Aprile 2008, dal dominio all'hosting

Marco Chiaverini, Hosting Manager di, racconta ad la strada percorsa nel mondo hosting italiano da una delle prime compagnie italiane del settore.

Leggi l'articolo completo su

Posted by Marianna Tomassi at 11:49 AM

7 Aprile 2008 domain name fetches millions

Who would've thought a generic domain name would still have the capacity to pull in big bucks? Chris Clark, the seller of "," seemed a bit in shock after he managed to rake in $2.6 million from the auction of the domain name.

Clark, who owns a software company, registered the domain name 14 years ago for just $20. Nothing fruitful ever really came of the domain, so he sat on it for a while, and then he and a friend turned it into an advertising and pizza directory. Then, they heard about the fortuitous sale of and decided to try their own luck with, according to the Sun. By March 29, the bidding hit $2 million and even more bids were coming in.

Full story

Posted by Domain Staff at 12:35 PM

7 Aprile 2008
Is Linux on verge of a big breakout?

The free Linux operating system handles big tasks such as running supercomputers and ATMs.

Of course, prognosticators perennially say Linux is on the verge. It gets high marks for security and stability and is widely used behind the scenes in corporate servers, making it a natural candidate to steal desktop thunder from Microsoft's dominant Windows. And yet Linux PCs still represent less than 2 percent of the market.

This time, though, there's actually evidence of momentum.

While the best features in the latest Windows release, Vista, require top-notch configurations that can quickly ramp up a PC's price, one of the hottest segments of the industry involves inexpensive computers.

Laptops costing less than $400 are real possibilities now and not only is Linux essentially free to the PC vendor, but the operating system also is better suited than Vista for cheap PCs' Spartan hardware designs.

Business-computing suppliers are finding open-source desktops especially gaining traction in cost-conscious developing markets.

Linux might benefit from a changing conception of what computers are for. With the rise of Web-based applications that reduce the need for desktop-bound software, more of the action comes through an Internet browser now. The feel of the underlying operating system is less important.

Perhaps more important, if the desktop operating system fades further into the background, PC makers could have greater incentive to save money on it by offering Linux. The price that big PC manufacturers pay Microsoft for Windows varies and is not disclosed, but is believed to commonly exceed $50 per PC.


Posted by Domain Staff at 12:32 PM

7 Aprile 2008
Number of viruses to top one million by 2009

The total number of viruses will reach one million by year's end, according to security experts.

Malware writers have been forced to create new types of viruses and exploits more regularly as businesses and individuals improve security practices, the experts said.

Sophos chief technology officer Paul Ducklin said about 25 percent of unique malware has been created in the last six months of its 20-year history.

"About 85 to 90 percent of malware families have a fix created for them almost immediately," Ducklin said.

"Malware writers aren't getting the same bang for buck as they used to because businesses and consumers have become much more diligent with security over the last five years.

"The number of infectious e-mail attachments getting through are down from about one in 40 [about five years ago] to one in 1000."

He said the decline in infections are due to better gateway filters, more relevant corporate policies and user education, and dilution from a rise in legitimate e-mail traffic.

While the security industry is on top of conventional spam and phishing attacks, more effort needs to be put into preventing and eliminating so-called drive-by-downloads, according to Ducklin.

The attacks allow hackers to redirect mass amounts of traffic by inserting malicious iframes into legitimate Web sites. The hacks are usually invisible to Web site visitors and do not often draw attention from security personnel because they only require a single line of code to be manipulated.

He said it is essential that the exploit is patched because hackers search for compromised sites for follow-up attacks.

F-Secure Asia Pacific vise president Jari Heinonen said it logs about 25,000 malware samples each day, the highest on record.

"The total number of viruses and Trojans will pass the one million mark by the end of 2008 if this trend continues," Heinonen said.

"While there are more viruses than ever before, people report seeing less of them [because] malware authors are changing their tactics.

"Drive-by downloads are the preferred way of spreading malware [because] they happen automatically by visiting a Web site, unless users have a fully patched operating system, browser and plug-ins."

Full story

Posted by Domain Staff at 09:32 AM

4 Aprile 2008 lancia EasyClick amplia l’offerta dei propri servizi lanciando EasyClick, un efficace servizio di advertising online assolutamente innovativo per il mercato italiano, che rappresenta il primo passo del posizionamento di nel settore del web marketing.

Leggi gli articoli pubblicati su:

PC Professionale


Pubblicità Italia

Channel Online


Computer World

Tutto Hosting

Telecom Paper

Yahoo Notizie

Posted by Marianna Tomassi at 11:44 AM

3 Aprile 2008 lancia EasyClick, un nuovo servizio di advertising online amplia l’offerta dei propri servizi lanciando EasyClick, un efficace servizio di advertising online assolutamente innovativo per il mercato italiano, che rappresenta il primo passo del posizionamento di nel settore del web marketing

Leggi il comunicato stampa.

Posted by Marianna Tomassi at 11:38 AM

1 Aprile 2008
El Congrés de Periodisme Digital realça el mòbil

El Congrés de Periodisme Digital realça el paper futur del telèfon mòbil com a canal d'informació

El telèfon mòbil està cridat a convertir-se en un canal bàsic d'accés a la informació digital. La novena edició del Congrés de Periodisme Digital, que es desenvolupa avui i demà a Osca, està presentant poques conclusions, però una d'elles és que els cel·lulars seran aviat un dispositiu fonamental per navegar per internet.[...]

Notícia publicada a El periodico

Posted by Staff Marketing at 04:23 PM

1 Aprile 2008
Un de cada dos espanyols ja utilitza internet

Un de cada dos espanyols ja utilitza internet de manera habitual

La meitat dels espanyols --el 49,6%-- utilitzen internet i una part molt important, el 64,6%, accedeix a la xarxa tots o gairebé tots els dies, segons els resultats de l'últim baròmetre del Centre d'Investigacions Sociològiques (CIS) entregat avui al Congrés. L'estudi també revela que només el 8% dels espanyols encara no saben què és aquest mitjà de comunicació.un'offerta del 50% sui domini [...]

Notícia publicada a El peridodico

Posted by Staff Marketing at 04:17 PM

1 Aprile 2008
El CIO pide a Pekín una Internet sin censura

El CIO pide a Pekín una Internet sin censura durante los Juegos Olímpicos

PEKÍN.- La Comisión de Coordinación del CIO ha pedido a Pekín que no restrinja el acceso a Internet durante los Juegos Olímpicos, una práctica común en el país asiático que las autoridades controlan a placer.[...]

Notícia publicada en El mundo

Posted by Staff Marketing at 04:07 PM

1 Aprile 2008
IOC pressures Beijing over Internet access

International Olympic Committee (IOC) inspectors have told Beijing organisers that the Internet must be open for the duration of the 2008 Olympics.

The Internet is routinely censored in China but Beijing is committed by its "host city contract" to giving the estimated 30,000 media expected for the Olympics the freedom to report as they have at previous Games.

Full story

Posted by Domain Staff at 09:41 AM